Sophie Grégoire Trudeau launches 2009-2010 Membership Campaign
Montreal, May 14, 2009. More than 250 guests attended last night’s Shield of Athena Launch of their 2009-2010 Campaign, raising nearly $15,000 for the organization. The Baton Rouge on de la Montagne Street hosted a superb soirée of fabulous cocktails, a delicious dinner, exciting door prizes and a great comedy show provided by Silver Butler’s Comedy Nest.
The evening’s highlight was guest of honour, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, Quebec Correspondent for e-Talk Daily, spokesperson for BACA Foundation and for Dove’s Self Esteem Fund; Pay Beauty Forward program. Trudeau was delighted by the number of guests, particularly the number of men, supporting this cause and taking a stand in eradicating violence against women.
“Fear and anxiety are obstacles that prevent women from taking action” Grégoire said, expressing her admiration “the survivors who succeed in breaking the vicious cycle of conjugal violence because of their courage, wisdom and determination.” Trudeau added that she was happy to contribute, in her own way, to the Shield’s mission and help women and children live in a world free of violence.
Also in the crowd: Tom and Gwen Nacos, co-chairs of the membership campaign; Bruno Ciolfi, TD Bank VP; Jerry Analytis, attorney at Phillips, Friedman, Kotler; Helen Tyros, Vice-President at BMO; Pierre Michaud, District VP Bank of Nova Scotia; Paul Nakis, restaurateur; George Goulakos, Vice president of Sales for CTV; Gian Pierro De Stefani, TD Bank; Tom Pentefountas, criminal lawyer and president of the ADQ; Demetrius Manolakos, Montreal notary, Commandant Vincent Richer and his colleagues from the SPVM and Stratton D. Stevens, entrepreneur and businessperson.

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, Honoured Guest

From left to right: Maud Pontel, Polly Tsonis, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, Melpa Kamateros, Era Melinda Boquer

Melpa Kamateros, Executive Director, with Maud Pontel, Co-Ordinator of the Sexual Abuse Outreach Department

Cmdt Vincent Richer, Lyne Aidanis and Sylvain Bourdon, SPVM, Shield President Pearl Eliadis and Executive Director Melpa Kamateros